
 The perfect choice for trainers looking for the best in SLIP LEAD performance.NO BURRS AND FLOATS IN WATER

Product Description

It is called “Super” because of the excellent properties of the materials developed. No stretch, perfect stiffness hard finish (designed not to pick up burs), and floats for water training. The perfect choice for trainers looking for the best in SLIP LEAD performance.


Size Approximate Weight Top Line in inches Girth in inches
0 5-11 LBS 8-13 10-16
1 8-15 11-15 12-19
2 13-25 14-18 14-21
3 20-38 15-19 16-22
5 35-50 17-22 19-27
7 50-67 19-24 22-32
8 60-80 19-24 24-34
9 70-95 21-27 24-34
11 90-115 24-30 28-37
12 110-150 29-34 32-41